Norton's Star Atlas.epub REPACK
Norton's Star Atlas.epub ->>->>->>
Though it is a bit of a cheat, I would recommend the Norton books. If you don't have them then you should have a look at the Riding Through the Galaxy, I did this for a while and it's good. Otherwise I recommend the Dalechaser's guide to the stars and HST.
Dalechaser's Guide to the Stars -- Hugely helpful, with detailed instructions on how to set up and use a telescope. Also has a lot of information on doing astro-imaging. I also recommend the book, Riding Through the Galaxy by Robin Waller.
Biggest in my opinion, is the use of the CDS format. I have a very hard time of memorizing star names and other things. This new format is great, and really made it a pleasure to keep memorizing all of the info. I do not recommend if you do not have this book.
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