Brisca F1 Banned Drivers
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Only one driver actually won the first race I went to, which was the St. Louis Kart Derby in 2003. Leighton Beaman of Louisiana won that race. I loved that race, and still go to it every year because that's the only place I've ever raced. After that, my first live race was the Kart Week in 2004, which was more of an exhibition than a race. I have to say that the drivers there were really good, and had the racing under control. I had never actually been to a real race before, and I'd heard a few bad stories about what it was all about, so it was a real eye-opener for me.
Last year I attended one of these races in Ontario, and I was amazed at the talent of some of the drivers. There were two 5-second qualifiers that had a bunch of great drivers, and the top 3 in each had a chance to race in the feature - it was a real battle. I thought that the driver in the blue and yellow car was very good, he seemed to be able to drive on all tracks, and he didn't seem to be intimidated by any of the other drivers. He was very powerful and obviously very experienced.
But, I've seen some great guys drive sprints. I think the most popular driver here is Bob Oatley, who drove for one of the teams here. He drives a 1970 Ford, and he seemed to have a good knowledge of the technical side of the sport. A very dynamic driver - I think he's got a chance to make it at the big track in the US. Bob's dad was a dirt track racer in the 1960's, and he always liked sprints. But I don't think Bob will do a pre-school handicap event at a club track - he's too good for that! :bounce:
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