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On other hand, WP-Fastest Cache can allow you to cut to the second when your web site's content loads. It also makes sure that the speed is not affected by the size of the database. To add more sites, you can either edit the theme or use a plugin. To start the caching, you need to add a few lines of code to the.htaccess file. Just be sure to add the code to the top of the file, otherwise it won't work.The process is similar to installing a plugin. Just follow the instructions, and you are ready to go.WP-fastest Cache can enable two plugins simultaneously.WP-fastest Cache 0.9.3 brings performance improvements.The plugin is suitable for use with your.htaccess file. You can start adding your own favorites at the same time as connecting to a server.You can easily view the list of the most popular sites in your network, or you can add them manually. When you enter the desired site, you can preview the design, and download the content.It is essential to note that the plugin does not activate itself until you know what its features are.[/url]
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