Airmagnet Survey Pro 8 2 Full 2021
The Wi-Fi (also known as IEEE 802.11b) wireless LAN (WLAN) protocol shows the very high growth rates in use today for both consumer and business wireless environments. Accessing AirMagnet Survey's Wi-Fi radar, we can view coverage and performance metrics that are critical to the successful deployment of any 802.11 service. The AirMagnet Survey wireless site survey solution allows you to view this radar on the CD, an online demonstration ( ), and a free desktop version that allows you to semi-automatically generate a PDF map of your coverage.
Wi-Fi (also known as IEEE 802.11b) has proved to be a viable technology for wireless local area networking applications in both business and home environments. There has been a significant growth in Wi-Fi networking in recent years, both in applications and as the subject of academic research papers, articles in the IT press and research house reports. How much of this material, predominantly based on overseas experience, is relevant to New Zealand's early-adopter context? This paper reports on a survey of large New Zealand organizations focusing on the level of Wi-Fi deployment, reasons for non-deployment, the scope of deployment, investment in deployment, problems encountered, and future plans.
WiFi environments are very dynamic and to guarantee the best performance for end-users, it is important to be able to verify changes in coverage and performance in the network. AirMagnet Survey's Diff View feature allows side-by-side visualization of differences between two separate surveys.
When conducting a GPS-aided survey, be sure to first configure AirMagnet Survey's GPS COM port so that it can communicate with your GPS device. You can use any NMEA compliant GPS device with Survey.
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